Sunday 10 March 2013

Komidas Vartabed - ViCDAN FiLMLERI

This is a short film on the life of Gomidas Vartabed, ViCDAN FiLMLERi

This film is empathetic to the life of Gomidas, but it also tells of a far more dark and
moving plight of the Armenian's at that time, before then, and it still continues to date!...
Its authenticity was a challenge to the film makers textually during their research...
Which is reflected in the film, until the realisation that Gomidas was all about,
he manually recorded and preserved folk music from his travels to various villages on
mountain terrain to the low lands and all manner of genre, including his own compositions encompassing ecclesiastic music in the Armenian liturgy which would otherwise have been
a loss to the liturgical importance to the Armenian Heritage!

Gomidas has become a matter of pride for us. Gomidas was a locked door for us. It has been an uphill battle to make him alive again, to listen to him again, to comprehend how he had composed those pieces and to understand the reason why he had waited for death to come for 18 years without doing anything else. I cannot think of any other experience which has been quite difficult for us, particularly during the process of the script. In consequence of every research we have made, Gomidas’s body has been emerging in bits and pieces across the piano. And in the end he was right there in front of us in his complete magnificience.”

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