Thursday 1 November 2012

LOUSSAPATZ_ The Dawn - 2012-957-11-3

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Armenians in Science
Born: December 17, 1933Died: December 5, 2008
Paris M. Herouni was an Armenian professor and scientist, member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia in the fields of radio-physics, radio- engineering, and radio-astronomy.
Inventor of First Radio-Optical Telescope

Հայոց Ցեղասպանութեան թղթածրարը՝ ամբողջական ու աւարտուն դառնալու համար, տակաւին կը սպասէ բազմաթիւ յայտնաբերելի նորանոր փաստաթուղթերու լոյսին ընծայման...:
Փաստաթուղթեր եւ վկայագրութիւններ, որոնք առ այսօր՝ Հայոց Ցեղասպանութեան 100-ամեակի սեմին, կը մնան թաքնուած՝ Հ. Ցեղասպանութեան հետ առնչուած պետութեանց, հաստատութեանց արխիւներուն, մամլոյ էջերուն եւ անձնական յուշագրութեանց մէջ...: Այդ թղթածրարին մէջ, թանկարժէք
յաւելում մը կը բերէ՝ հմուտ պատմաբան, վաստակաւոր կրթական մշակ եւ մտաւորական Փրոֆ. Դոկտ. ԵՐՈՒԱՆԴ ՔԱՍՈՒՆԻ, իր հեղինակած՝ «ՊԱՏՄԱԿԱՆ ԱԿՆԱՐԿ «ՄԻՇԸՆԵՐԻ ՀԵՐԸԼՏ»ի 1915-1918թթ. ՀԱՅ ԺՈՂՈՎՈՒՐԴԻ ՑԵՂԱՍՊԱՆՈՒԹԵԱՆ ԵՒ ՎԵՐԱԾՆՈՒՆԴԻ ՄԱՍԻՆ ԱՐՁԱՆԱԳՐԱԾ
ՎԿԱՅԱԳՐՈՒԹԻՒՆՆԵՐՈՒՆ» բովանդակալից եւ ծաւալուն գիրքով, հրատարակուած 2012-ին, Պէյրութի մէջ: Գիրք՝ որ նոր լոյս կը սփռէ Հայոց Ցեղասպանութեան մտայղացման, ծրագրաւորման եւ գործադրութեան համապարփակ ճանաչողութեան ուղղութեամբ...քննական հայեացքով ներկայացնելով հայ ընթերցող հանրութեան՝ այն էական նեցուկն ու զօրավիգը, զորս ընծայեցին անհատներ, կազմակերպութիւններ ու պետութիւններ, յանուն Հայաստանի եւ հայ ժողովուրդի փրկութեան նուիրական գործին, անոր անպատմելի ողբերգութեան տարիներուն....ի հակադրութիւն սառնասիրտ դաժանութեամբ յառաջ տարուող պետական քաղաքականութեանց...:
Գիրքը կը բաղկանայ երկու գլխաւոր մասերէ:
ԱՌԱՋԻՆ ՄԱՍԸ կ'ընդգրկէ այն տեղեկագրութիւններն ու վկայագրութիւնները, զորս օտարազգի միսիոնարներն ու անոնց գործակիցները, երիտթուրքերու իշխանութեան խիստ գրաքննութեան պայմաններուն տակ, արձանագրած են` Ամերիկեան Միսիոնարական Պորտին կողմէ հրատարակուած ամսագրին՝ «Missionary Herald»-ին մէջ 1915-1918թթ., ուր Հայոց Ցեղասպանութեան եւ տեղահանութեանց մասին կան այնքան սարսռալից, այլեւ աղբիւրագիտական տեղեկութիւններ, որոնց անգլերէնէ հայերէն թարգմանութիւնը ջանասիրաբար կատարած է Տիկ. ԵՒՆԻԿԷ ՏՕԳՈՒԶԼԵԱՆ-ԵԱԳՈՒՊԵԱՆ:
Ընթերցողը հիացումով եւ երախտագիտութեամբ կը համակուի՝ գիրքին մէջ յիշատակուած այն բոլոր միսիոնարներուն եւ անոնց գործակիցներուն հանդէպ, որոնք ի հեճուկս թուրքին յարուցած մշտական խոչընդոտներուն, ի գործ են դրեր ամէն ճիգ ու ջանք՝ ինչ-որ կերպով սատար կանգնելու մեր ժողովուրդին, անոր Գողգոթայի ճանապարհին վրայ...., մերթ իրենց հայանպաստ քարոզչական աշխատանքով, մերթ ալ ուղղակի նպաստելով անոր կրթա-դաստիարակչական, հոգեմտաւոր զարգացման ու լուսաւորութեան գործին, անոր գոյատեւման պայքարին, ի մասնաւորի որբահաւաքի եւ որբախնամի նախախնամական աշխատանքին: Իրազեկ կը դառնանք այն փաստին, որ Ամերիկեան Պորտը, որ նաեւ գլխաւոր կազմակերպիչն էր Մերձաւոր Արեւելքի Նպաստի Յանձնախումբին, բազմաթիւ միջոցառումներով ու գործակցութիւններով, անընդհատ պիտի շարունակէր իր նպաստը, նախ՝ Արեւմտեան Հայաստանի ու Հայկական Կիլիկիոյ մէջ, ապա՝ տեղափոխուելով Կովկաս եւ Արեւելեան Հայաստան, պիտի շարունակէր իր ծառայութիւնները հոն եւս, մինչեւ Խորհրդային Հայաստանի առաջին տարիները, ու ապա նաեւ՝ Միջին ու Մերձաւոր Արեւելք, ուր իր առաքելութիւնը պիտի շարունակէր յաջորդ տասնամեակներուն ալ:
Այսօր, Հայոց Ցեղասպանութեան 100-ամեակի սեմին, ժամանակն է, ինչպէս կը գրէ յարգելի հեղինակը իր «Փոխան-Յառաջաբաի»ն մէջ, «որ հայ պատմագրութիւնը իր պարտքը հատուցանէ եւ արդարութիւն ընէ Աստուծոյ Խօսքով զինուած այս ֆիտայիներուն հանդէպ», քանզի՝ ինչպէս ի յայտ կու գայ «Միշըների Հերըլտ»ի տեղեկագրութեանց էջերուն մէջ, օտարազգի միսիոնարներէն շատեր աւելի քան ֆիտայիներ են եղած՝ նուիրուած հայափրկութեան, հայակրթութեան,հայապահպանման եւ հայ արդար դատի բարձրաձայնումի սուրբ գործին...: Այդ միսիոնարները դեռ 19-րդ դարուն ոտք դրած են Օսմանեան կայսրութեան մէջ աւետարանչական առաքելութեամբ եւ տասնամաեակներ շարունակ, ամբողջական նուիրումով ծառայեր են հայ ժողովուրդին, երբեմն մինչ ի մահ զոհաբերուելով անոր փրկութեան ի խնդիր:
Դոկտ. Երուանդ Քասունի յատկանշականօրէն կը նշէ, որ Միսիոնարութիւնը միշտ ալ պահեց իր լաւատեսութիւնն ու հաւատքը, որ Դաշնակից պետութիւններու յաղթանակը պիտի երաշխաւորէր բռնագաղթուածժողովուրդինտունդարձըեւաւերուածհայրենիքինվերաշինութիւնը: «Պտուղը ամբողջովին չէ փճացած: Բաւական կորիզ կը մնայ, եւ այդ կորիզները կամ պիտի վերացանուին իրենց նախկին դաշտերուն մէջ, կամ ապագային պիտի հունձք տան Արարատ Լեռան հովանիին տակ», կը կարդանք «The Missionary Herald»-ի Յուլիս 1916-ի տեղեկագրութեան մէջ: Սրտայոյզ ու սրտակեղեք են անոնց տեղեկագրութիւնները, ուր անոնք հարազատի մը չափ ու դեռ աւելի կը կիսեն հայուն ցաւն ու տագնապը, կը սրբեն անոր արցունքները, կը կապեն անոր վէրքերը, կը կերակրեն ու կը պատսպարեն զայն, գորովանքով հոգ կը տանին որբացած մանուկներուն մանաւանդ, քանզի կը հաւատան՝ «Այս երեխաներուն մէջ է որ հայ ազգի գոյատեւումի յոյսը կապուած է»: (The Missionary Herald, Մայիս 1917)
ԵՐԿՐՈՐԴ ՄԱՍԸ ամբողջութեամբ յատկացուած է քննական ակնարկով ներկայացնելու այն անձնաւորութիւնները՝ օտարազգի թէ հայազգի, աշխարհագրական վայրերը, դէպքերը եւ թուականները, որոնք անմիջականօրէն կ'առնչուին Առաջին Մասին հետ, եւ միահիւսուելով Ա. Մասին մէջ տեղ գտած վկայագրութեանց հետ, հնարաւորութիւն կ'ընձեռեն, որ ընթերցողը համընդգրկուն ընկալումը ունենայ 1894-1923 ժամանակաշրջանի պատմական հոլովոյթներուն, որոնք էական են լրիւ ըմբռնելու Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւնը եւ հայրենահանումը, հուսկ վերապրումը մեր ժողովուրդի մնացորդացին: Քննական այս ուսումնասիրութիւնը հիմնաւորուած է ՝ սկզբնաղբիւրներու, մենագրութիւններու եւ յօդուածներու հարուստ մատենագիտութեամբ մը, ինչ որ զայն կ'ընծայէ անաչառ, անկողմնակալ եւ հաւաստի աշխատասիրութիւն մը, յոյժ գնահատելի ու երախտարժան...:
Յայտնապէս, Դոկտ. Երուանդ Քասունիի միտք բանին է՝ իր քննական ակնարկով, 1915-1918-ի տեղեկագրութիւններն ու վկայագրութիւնները ներկայացնել պատմական աւելի համապարփակ շրջագիծէն ներս, իրադարձութեանց կամ եղելութիւններու նախընթաց ու յետագայ ժամանակագրութեամբ, իրողութեանց հոլովոյթն ու ընթացքը պատմական լայն համապատկերին մէջ դնելու համար: Այսպէս, ան իր քննական ակնարկը կը սեւեռէ՝ 1915-1918 ժամանակաշրջանը կանխող տարիներուն, ներառելով 1894- 96-ի Համիտեան կոտորածները, 1909-ի Կիլիկիոյ Աղէտը, ապա՝ յետագայ տարիներուն, մինչեւ Հայաստանի Խորհրդայնացումը, մինչեւ Լոզան:
Ընթերցողը՝ գլուխ առ գլուխ եւ էջ առ էջ, համապարփակ ընկալումը կ'ունենայ հայ ժողովուրդի Ցեղասպանութեան, զայն նախորդող եւ յաջորդող տարիներու իրադարձութեանց....: Արդարեւ, Հայկական Հարցը լուծելու միջոց էին Համիտեան կոտորածներն ու Ատանայի ջարդերը: Իսկ Համաշխարհային Ա. պատերազմը լաւագոյն առիթը պիտի ընծայէր համաթուրանական Իթթիհատականներուն՝ գործադրութեան դնելու հայ ժողովուրդին Ցեղասպանութիւնը: 20 Յունուար 1913-ին, Էնվեր կ'առաջնորդէր օրուան կառավարութեան տապալումը եւ իշխանութեան կը բերէր Էնվեր-Թալէաթ-Ճեմալ եռեակը, Թուրքիա կը զինակցէր Գերմանիոյ՝ Համաշխարհային Ա. Պատերազմին, զոր պատեհ առիթ նկատելով, բռնապետական եռեակը կը հրահանգէր 1915-1918թթ. Հայ ժողովուրդի Ցեղասպանութիւնը: Էնվեր յետոյ պիտի յոխորտար. «Առանց թուրք զինուորի մը կորուստին, ես ոչնչացուցի թրքութեան թշնամի հայերը»: Այնուհետեւ դարձեալ, թրքական նպատակի հետապնդումը կը շարունակուէր....սակայն, Սարդարապատի մէջ, «ՀայերիսխրագործութիւններըկանխեցինԵրեւանի,Արարատեանդաշտի,Սեւանիաւազանի շրջանների զաւթումը թուրքերի կողմից»:
Պարտութեան մատնուած թուրքերը տակաւին իրենց կամքը կը թելադրէին՝ սեփական ժողովուրդէն կտրուած, թրքական բանակին դէմ տարուած Սարդարապատեան յաղթանակին անիրազեկ, Թիֆլիսի Հայ Ազգային Խորհուրդի ղեկավարութեան.....կը ստորագրուէր Պաթումի պայմանագիրը, որով Հայաստանի Հանրապետութիւնը կը պարփակուէր 9000 քառ. Քլմ. տարածութեան մէջ, 6 քլմ. երկաթուղիով եւ 324,285 բնակիչով: Աւելի ետք, Հայկական Պատուիրակութիւնը միշտ ալ պիտի մնար աղերսողի դիրքին մէջ: Իսկ «Թուրքերու կողմէ շնորհուած Հայաստանի Հանրապետութիւնը պահելու համար, Աւ. Ահարոնեան Թալաաթի առաջ մինչեւ իսկ պիտի զիջէր Արեւմտահայաստանը, ըսելով. «Ձեզ կը վստահեցնեմ որ Թուրքիոյ հայերու վիճակները մեզ երբեք չեն հետաքրքրեր: Մենք եկանք միայն խորհրդակցելու համար Կովկասեան հայերու հանրապետութեան մասին...»:
10 Օգոստոս 1920-ին կը ստորագրուէր Սեւրի դաշնագիրը, որ կը ճանչնար ԱՄՆ նախագահ Ու. Ուիլսընի՝ անկախ Հայաստանի համար գծած սահմանները: Սակայն....«Ցուլ մը մուտք գործեց Սեւրի յախճապակիի խանութը եւ փշրեց ամէն ինչ: Ցուլը՝ Մուսթաֆա Քեմալ Փաշան էր, աւելի ուշ, ծանօթ՝ Քեմալ Աթաթուրք անունով»: Հետեւաբար, պատերազմին պարտուած Թուրքիան պիտի կարենար ոտքի ելլել, եւ Քեմալական Թուրքիան պիտի ուրանար Սեւրի Դաշնագիրը Լոզանի մէջ, ուրանալով Հայ Դատի եւ Արեւմտեան Հայաստանի գոյութիւնն իսկ: Իսկ յաղթական Դաշնակիցներ, արեւմտեան շահադէտ ու նենգ դիւանագիտութեամբ, մոռացութեան պիտի տային իրենց փոքր դաշնակիցը, անտեսելով անոր արդար Դատը եւ իրենց մէջ պիտի բաժնէին պատերազմական աւարը...Կիլիկիան ալ յանձնելով Քեմալականներուն՝ թուրք-ֆրանսական դաւադիր բանակցութիւններով....:
Գիրքի ընթերցման աւարտին, ոչ միայն լայնահորիզոն ընկալումը կը ձեռքբերես հայ ժողովուրդի Գողգոթայի ճանապարհին, այլեւ խորունկ երախտապարտութեամբ կը համակուիս բոլոր անոնց նկատմամբ, որոնք գերագոյն նուիրումով ու անմնացորդ սիրով՝ իրենց առաւելագոյնը մատուցեր են հայափրկութեան եւ Մեծ Եղեռնէն ճողոպրած տարագիր մնացորդացի վերականգնումի սրբազան գործին: Այսպէս՝ Բարի Սամարացիի իրենց ձեռքը երկարեր են հայութեան՝
«Միշըների Հերըլտ»ին մէջ տեղ գտած անձնդիր, խորապէս մարդասէր ու հայասէր միսիոնարները, անհատներն ու կազմակերպութիւնները.....եւ տակաւին Սուրիոյ, Լիբանանի, Պաղեստինի, Իրաքի եւ Եգիպտոսի ասպնջական իսլամ եւ քրիստոնեայ արաբ ժողովուրդները, որոնք իրենց տան դռներն են բացեր հիւրընկալելու բռնագաղթուած տարագիր հայը, անոր շնորհեր են աշխատանքի, ուսման ու տուն-տեղ ըլլալու արտօնութիւն, պարգեւեր են քաղաքացիութեան իրաւունք ու վերահաստատեր են անոր մարդկային արժանապատւութիւնը...., ինչպէս կը գրէ հեղինակը իր գիրքի ներածութեան մէջ: Եւ ասիկա ի հակադրութիւն օսմանեան, երիտթրքական թէ քեմալական Թուրքիոյ վարած հայաջինջ քաղաքականութեան եւ եւրոպական շահադէտ ու շահամոլ դիւանագիտութեան...:
Գիրքը անաչառ, կշռադատ վկայութիւնն է մեր ժողովուրդի պատմութեան ճակատագրական մէկ հատուածին...., որ կը դառնայ միաժամանակ ուսանելի դաս ՊԱՏՄԱԿԱՆ ԽՈՐՈՒՆԿ ԻՆՔՆԱՃԱՆԱՉՄԱՆ հայ ներկայ եւ գալիք սերունդներուն համար: Նմանապէս՝ ՀԱՅՈՑ ՑԵՂԱՍՊԱՆՈՒԹԵԱՆ ԱՂԲԻՒՐԱԳԻՏԱԿԱՆ հազուագիւտ մատեան է ան, զոր պատմաբանն ու հետազօտողը կրնան լիովին օգտագործել, կարելի ճշգրտութեամբ կառուցելու համար՝ այս թեմային հետ առնչակից իրենց թէզը: Իսկ հայ հանրութեան համար, ընդհանրապէս, անիկա կրնայ ծառայել որպէս ՈՒՂԵՆԻՇ ԵՒ ՈՒՂԵՑՈՅՑ՝ իր ազգային-հաւաքական ապագան կերտելու համար:
Երախտարժան այս ազգօգուտ ու հայանուէր աշխատութեան համար, մեր խորազգած շնորհակալութիւնները կը յայտնենք յարգելի Դոկտ. Փրոֆ. Երուանդ Քասունիին, իրեն մաղթելով քաջառողջութիւն, ստեղծագործական բեղուն աշխատանք, անխոնջ եռանդ ու կորով:
Cover Page
Paris M. Herouni was born in Yerevan, Armenia on December 17, 1933. Upon completion of his undergraduate studies in Yerevan, Dr. Herouni attended Moscow Power Engineering Institute, where he got his graduate degree in radio technology in 1957. He would go on to get his doctorate of philosophy in radio techniques, from the same institution in 1965. Because of his many scientific discoveries, Herouni has received numerous awards, such as, the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Silver Medal of Catholicos of All Armenians (given to him by Vazgen I), State Prize of USSR in the field of Science, Medal "Veteran of Labour", a Bronze Medal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, and the Russian Academy of Sciences Lomonosov Gold Medal.
In addition, he also holds over 20 patents, and has published over 340 scientific works, including 2 monographs.
Scientific Works
Among his many experiments are his Projected, built, and adjusted which was used for the First Radio- Optical Telescope (ROT-54/2.6) – the “Herouni Mirror Radio telescope” – the large antenna of which with a diameter 54 m has one of the best parameters among all Large Antennas in the world. He concluded and built an Antenna Parameters and Phase Shift Angle, being the first 11, based on the World National Primary Standards. The “AREV” Project, which is a new type of powerful and ecologically pure Solar Power Plant. He was the first to come across the powerful radio-flare on Eta Geminorum star, a red giant and the powerful flares associated with that type of star. He also was the first to measure an aperture of an antenna, in the World Radio Hologram. Using this, he designed and built many highly, effective Automatic Complexes of equipment for NF –FF Antenna Measuremen.[3]
Amateur research
In more recent times Dr. Herouni has begun to take an interest in megalithic structures, such as Zorats Karer (sometimes referred to as Karahunj) in Armenia, which is thought to be an ancient observatory. By using four telescopic methods, and the precession laws of Earth, he claims to have proven that Zorats Kaher is more than 7500 years old; dating it to around 5500 BC. After his initial research and calculations, Herouni, in 1999, got in touch with Professor Gerald Hawkins, author of Stonehenge Decoded. Hawkins responded to Herouni in a letter, in which he said "I admire the precise calculations you have made. I am most impressed with the careful work you have done, and hope that the result will ultimately get recorded in literature." Dr. Herouni wrote about his claims in his 2004 book, Armenians and Old Armenia.
SDHP 125th Anniversary Academic Conference Major Success
Participating scholars and organizing committee members
BURBANK, CA -- To mark the 125th anniversary of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (SDHP) over 200 participants attended an academic conference with 11 prominent historians titled, "Social Democrat Hunchakian Party Throughout History." The conference, which was hosted by Woodbury University on Oct. 27, was organized by the Nor Serount Cultural Association and the Armenian Educational Benevolent Union with co-sponsorship by the Richard G. Hovannisian Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History at UCLA [established by the Armenian Educational Foundation], the Armenian Research Center at
the University of Michigan, Dearborn; and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). The academic conference is a part of a series of events to celebrate 125 years of the party's contributions to the Armenian people, Armenian Cause and strife.
Harut Der Tavitian (Chairman of the Nor Serount Cultural Association) presented the opening remarks for the conference, with over 700 followers online via live webcast, welcoming the audience, including dignitaries such as H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate; Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, former Primate; Reverend Joseph D. Matossian, Armenian Evengelical Union; the
Honorable Grigor Hovhanissian, Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles along with Consul of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Artak Galstyan, and Archpriest Fr. Datev Tatoulian.
Moderating the first segment was Prof. Sebouh Aslanian who introduced Prof. Hratch Tchilingerian with his talk titled “From End of Empires to the Global Age: Issues and Questions in Armenian Political Ideology and Strategy,” Rev. Dr. Abel Manoukian discussed “The Founders: Their Formative Period as University Students” and Prof. Gerard Libaridian presented his talk titled, “At the Origins of the Social Democratic Hunchakian Party: Problems and Paradoxes.”
The second session, moderated by Prof. Houri Berberian, included the following speakers along with their papers; Prof. Vahram Shemmassian “Absolute Monarchy”: The Hunchakian Revolutionary Episode in Armenian Musa Dagh during the 1890s, Dr. Garabet Moumdjian “1895 to 1914: The Relations of Armenian Political/Revolutionary Organizations with the Young Turks" and Prof. Kevork Bardakjian “Ideology and Literature: The Mother Party and Some of Her Literary Children.”
Moderator Prof. Ara Sanjian led the third session which included Prof. Richard Hovannisian and his paper titled “The Hunchakian Party and the First Republic of Armenia," Mr. Aram Arkun with “The role of the Hunchakian party in post WWI Cilicia," and Prof. Ara Dostourian's “The Labor & Political Work of the SDHP of the Eastern U.S.A. in the Context of the Worldwide Hunchakian Movement.”
The fourth and last session moderated by Prof. Gerard Libaridian included Dr. Vartan Matiossian disucussing “The Hunchakian Party in the Armenian Communities of South America: An Outline of its Early History," and Prof. Ara Sanjian speaking about “Khrushchev, Karabagh and the Hunchakians: A Documented Journey in the World of Oral History in-Progress.”
Closing remarks were provided by SDHP Central Committee member Mr. Harry Sarafian who ended the day-long conference with reflections of the party's activities from the past, present and aspirations for the future. He stated that the SDHP is keen to return to its roots and promote social democratic principles in Armenia, where unfortunately ideological discourse is nonexistent today. He concluded that the current state of the Armenian nation is a major concern and thus it is crucial to learn from our history, learn from the mistakes, as well as successes, in order to obtain the Armenia that we all aspire to attain.
Hassan Cemal's Book on Armenian Genocide is a Bestseller in Turkey IST ANBUL -- Prominent Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal’slatestbook titled “1915: Armenian Genocide,” which was published last month, has become a bestseller in Turkey, Today’s
Zaman daily’s columnist writes in his article. The author of the book is the grandson of Cemal Pasha, a key
figure in the Young Turk government. In his book, Hasan Cemal not only presented factual data on the tragedy, but, also, he spoke about how his personal views have changed and how he turned from a genocide denier to a recognizer.
“The book starts with the first column Hasan Cemal wrote on the topic on Feb. 18, 1985, largely loyal to the official view of Ankara, which maintains that the question has to do with ‘reciprocal massacres’ between Armenians and Muslims, and ends with the talk he gave at the University of California, Los Angeles on March 31, 2011, in which he recognized the ‘Armenian genocide,’” the columnist writes.
The book also quotes passages from Cemal Pasha’s memoirs published in Germany in 1919, in which Cemal Pasha—who is considered to be one of the organizers of the genocide—specifically claimed that, “The real blame [for the Genocide] is with the Russian policy which rascally incited them to attack each other [that is, the Armenians and the Turks].
Pointing to the fact that so far no prosecutions were launched in Turkey against the book’s author, or its publisher, Today’s Zaman states: “Turkey is moving on to leave no taboos unbroken on the other.” “The late Hrant Dink, a prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist, who fell victim to a racist plot in 2007, said, ‘Neither denial nor recognition first, but cognition.’ I believe those words are still relevant,” Today’s Zaman’s columnist concluded in his article.
Mediators Urge Way Out Of
Karabakh Deadlock PARIS -- International mediators proposed unpublicized ways of kick-starting the stalled
Nagorno-Karabakh peace process during renewed Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations that were organized by them in Paris over the weekend.
Armenia’s and Azerbaijan’s foreign ministers met in the presence of the U.S., Russian and French diplomats co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group for the first time since an international scandal sparked by the release from prison of an Azerbaijani army officer who hacked to death an Armenian colleague in Hungary.
“The Co-Chairs stressed to the Ministers the importance of reducing tensions among the parties. They presented their ideas on a working proposal to advance the peace process,” the mediating troika said in a statement issued on Sunday.
“The Foreign Ministers reiterated their determination to continue working with the Co-Chairs to reach a peaceful settlement. The Ministers and the Co-Chairs agreed to a further discussion of these ideas during the Co-Chairs’ visit to the region in November,” said the statement.
The foreign ministries in Baku and Yerevan issued virtually identical statements on the Paris talks.
It was not clear if the mediators’ proposal relates to confidence-building measures in the conflict zone or the essence of their draft framework peace accord submitted to the conflicting parties last year. The latter disagree on some key details of the proposed Basic Principles of resolving the Karabakh conflict.
Further talks between the two sides were effectively frozen after the Azerbaijani axe-murderer Ramil Safarov was released from a Hungarian prison and given a hero’s welcome in Azerbaijan on August 31. The Armenian government reacted furiously to the development and faced domestic calls to pull out of the Karabakh peace process. The Minsk Group co-chairs held separate crisis talks with Nalbandian and Mammadyarov in Paris just days after Safarov was pardoned and promoted by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. In an ensuing joint statement, they expressed “deep concern” at the pardon, saying that it undermined their efforts to broker a peaceful settlement.
7 Armenians Kidnapped in Syria
Aleppo's St Kevork Church Burned Down Seven ethnic Armenians have been kidnapped near the war-stricken Syrian city of Aleppo, local
Armenian sources and the Foreign Ministry in Yerevan said on Tuesday. A spokesman for a Syrian diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Zhirayr Reisian, told
RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( that they as well as three other individuals were stopped and forced off a bus on their way from Lebanon’s capital Beirut to Aleppo on Monday.
Armenia’s Foreign Ministry identified five of those Armenians as Garo Pampalian, Arsen Aroian, Levon Zeitunian, Bashar and George Rabat and said it is trying to clarify the others’ names. The ministry said their whereabouts remain unknown.
The kidnapping was most probably the work of Syrian rebel groups fighting forces loyal to the beleaguered President Bashar al-Assad.
The incident was reported two days after Sourp Kevork (Saint George) Armenian Apostolic church in Aleppo was seriously damaged by fire. Their was no indication that the church was speciffically targeted.
The Sourp Kevork church is located in the district of Nor Kyugh, scene of continuing fighting between the Syrian army and rebels. The Mesrobian Armenian school adjacent to the church has been seriously damaged, too. Earlier on Monday a blast near an Armenian district of Syrian capital Damascus reportedly killed 10 people and wounded around 50. The Jaramana district blast has killed two Armenians—Rana Salhap Kaladjian and Rana Nanouf Mehmedjian. An Armenian, by the name of Anoush Apovian, was injured, but, after being administered first aid, she was discharged from hospital.
Armenia’s Population Declined by 194,157 Since 2001 YEREVAN -- The preliminary records of the 2011 census reveal that Armenia’s population has
decreased by 194,157 over the past 10 years, according to Karine Kuyuumjyan, the head of the National Statistical Service’s Census and Demography Department.
“The rural population makes up 36.7 % and the urban population – 63.3% of Armenia’s permanent population, ” she told reporters Wednesday, noting that the major part of the urban residents (55.5%) are registered in capital Yerevan.
The census records are subject to further changes. Preliminary estimates suggest that Armenia’s population in 2011 was 2,871,771, with the number of permanent residents being 3,018,854. Of the regions, Armavir with 265,770 permanent residents, proved to have the highest population records.
The most sparsely populated region was Vayots Dzor where only 52,324 of the 47 659 registered people turned out to be permanent residents. The final results of the 2011 census are due in 2013.
Armenian-Iranian Power Plant Construction Set To Start
YEREV AN -- The repeatedly postponed construction of a big hydroelectric plant on the Arax river marking Armenia’ s border with Iran will finally start next month, the energy ministers of the two neighboring states said on Thursday.
Energy Minister Armen Movsisian and his Iranian counterpart Majid Namjou made the announcement after wrapping up a two- day session of an Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation in Yerevan.
“At Mr. Namjou’ s proposal, within the next 10-15 days we will hold the
inauguration ceremony and the construction of the Meghri plant will get underway,” Movsisian told a joint news conference. He said Namjou has personally helped to speed up the implementation of the project estimated to cost at least $330 million.
The Armenian and Iranian governments agreed to build the 130-megawatt facility about a decade ago but have not succeeded in getting the project off the drawing board until now. Movsisian announced the impending start of its construction by Iranian firms in July 2010. He later blamed “situations in Iran” for the delay.
Armenian and Iranian officials announced a new date for the launch of the project -- late August -- after Namjou’s previous trip to Yerevan in June this year.
According to Armenian Energy Ministry sources, an Iranian company will build the plant and use all electricity generated by it at will for 15 years. The facility will then become property of Armenia, the sources told RFE/RL ’ s Armenian service .
Namjou complained about the repeated delays in the realization of this and other Armenian- Iranian energy deals, including the construction of a fuel pipeline, at the start of the commission meeting on Wednesday. He said on Thursday that he proposed that two sides set up a joint task force that would monitor the implementation of Armenian-Iranian agreements and quickly deal with emerging obstacles.
“I think that the creation of such a task force would greatly contribute to the implementation of those agreements,” the Iranian minister told journalists. He said the Iranian government is ready to host the first meeting of that panel in Tehran soon.
IRNA: Armenian Pavilion in the Center of Attention in Tehran Media
Armenia is willing to deepen its relations with Islamic Republic of Iran. Armenian-Iranian relations in cultural, economic, political and social spheres are on a high level. Iranian news agency cited its interview with Armenian extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador to Iran Grigor Arakelian taken during his visit to the 19th Media and news agencies exhibition hosted in Tehran. Armenpress reports, Ambassador noted that the economic relations of the two countries have recorded a great development during this year.
Referring to the media exhibition Arakelian highlighted that it was an important cultural event which provided the representatives of news agencies to have a face-to-face communication. Iranian daily underlined that Armenian pavilions was catching the eye of the participants and the visitors of the exhibition. In the Tehran media exhibition Armenian is represented by Armenpress news agency. Agencies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Jordan, Switzerland and other countries participated in the 19th exhibition of Media and News agencies.
U.S. Navy Chief Discusses Growing Defense Ties With Armenia YEREV AN -- Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian and the visiting U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus praised growing military cooperation between Armenia and the United
U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus and Armenia DM Seyran Ohanian
States after holding talks in Yerevan on Monday. Both men said defense links between their nations will continue to deepen in the coming years. Mabus announced in this context that the U.S. Marine Corps subordinate to him plans to train more Armenian military personnel through
joint exercises. “The United States Marine Corps reporting
to the secretary of the Navy helps to explain why
the secretary of the navy comes to a country with no ocean,” he told a joint news conference during what was the first-ever visit to Armenia by a U.S.
Navy and Marine Corps chief. “The American Navy and the American Marine Corps have been glad to work with the Armenian
Armed Forces on the defense strategic planning and on exercises that we have conducted together over the past two years,” Mabus said. “And we are planning for more of these in the future.”
Mabus revealed that U.S. Marines have held “a number of” such drills with the Armenian army this year through their Black Sea Rotational Forces. “Part of that was focused on the development of a highly capable and highly professional non-commissioned officer corps,” he explained.
“We look forward to additional exercises with the Armenian Armed Forces. We look forward to additional engagement in terms of planning, in terms of working together to become more interoperable,” added the U.S. official.
“The years 2011 and 2012 have been special in our relations [in terms of] high-level mutual visits and defense consultations,” Ohanian said for his part. “Especially my visit to the United States [in March] and this visit testify to the fact that relations between Armenia and the United States in the area of defense are at a high level and developing dynamically.”
“Our joint efforts will continue in 2013 as well,” added the Armenian defense chief.
Ohanian noted on Monday that peacekeeping has been one of the two main areas of U.S.- Armenian defense cooperation, which has also been developing within the NATO framework. The U.S. has provided considerable financial and technical assistance to a special Armenian army brigade that contributes troops to the NATO missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan. Last month, several hundred soldiers of the brigade held three-day exercises near Yerevan in the presence of U.S. military instructors.
Ohanian further declared that Yerevan hopes to start cooperating with U.S. defense industries. “This is a new area where we can exchange experience,” the minister said, adding that the Armenian military is specifically interested in modernizing small arms and other equipment used by its special forces.
Iranian Tourist Inflow to Armenia Seen Falling in 2012
After years of rapid growth, the number of Iranian tourists visiting Armenia appears to have fallen significantly this year amid an increasingly adverse impact of international sanctions on Iran’s economy.
In recent years, Armenia has become a major travel destination for Iranians attracted by its more liberal environment and proximity. According to Armenian government data, more than 134,600 of them visited Iran’s sole Christian neighbor last year, up from some 120,860 in 2010. The influx was particularly visible in March, during two-week celebrations of Nowruz, the Persian New Year.
Historian Taner Akçam Presents His New Book: "The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity
NEW YORK -- The groundwork for the Armenian Genocide of 1915 was laid in a carefully worked out demographic policy implemented by the Ottoman government, argues historian Taner Akçam in his new book "The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire."
Professor Akçam—an international authority on the Armenian Genocide, and one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and openly discuss it—introduced his book at the Diocesan Center in New York on Thursday, October 18, during an evening co-sponsored by the Eastern Diocese and other Armenian organizations.
Peter Balakian, the leading public voice of Armenian Genocide advocacy and the author of several books on the subject, introduced Professor Akçam last Thursday.
Mining some 600 documents from the Ottoman archives—many of them previously unstudied—Professor Akçam outlines how the Ottoman government aimed to reshape the population of the empire in the wake of the Balkan War of 1912-13. He argues that the ruling Committee of Union and Progress, having suffered large territorial loses in the Balkan War, concluded that tolerating the empire's Christian minority—which made up 30 percent of the total population—would lead to the
unraveling of the Ottoman state. In response, the CUP embarked on a policy of resettling and assimilating Christian families to
ensure that the Christian population in a given town or village would not exceed 5 to 10 percent of the local Muslim population. This policy, Professor Akçam said, was closely tied to the notion that the Christian minority posed a serious threat to the empire's existence. "The impetus was less about a well- developed ideological mindset, and more about anxiety about security," he said.
According to Professor Akçam, this new research expands the understanding of genocide by shedding light on social engineering practices designed to strip Christian minorities—especially the Armenians—of their identity. It shows that "genocide is broader than the mere physical destruction and annihilation of a group of people," Professor Akçam said.
Of course, ultimately, the homogenization policy became just that. By the spring of 1915, the Committee of Union and Progress gave up its resettlement policy and turned to the more familiar destruction of the Armenian population—killing orders, massacres, and desert death camps.
Professor Akçam added that he hopes his findings will help to establish the Ottoman archives as reliable sources, which can be used alongside materials available in the West. "Taken in their entirety, the Ottoman and Western archives jointly confirm that the ruling party CUP did deliberately implement a policy of ethnoreligious homogenization of Anatolia that aimed to destroy the Armenian population," he writes in the book.
Taner Akçam presenting his new book
He acknowledged that while "there is practically no chance of finding records of the plans for annihilation ...among the Ottoman state documents.... such an enormous crime left traces among official state documents... [and] the genocidal policy against the Armenians can be demonstrated through these documents alone."
Professor Balakian recounted how Professor Akçam began his career as a student activist in Ankara. Imprisoned for his ideas about Turkish identity, he escaped and subsequently made his way to Germany, where he studied sociology at Hanover University and began his research on the Armenian Genocide.
“What has been missing throughout the decades [from discussions of the Armenian Genocide] is a Turkish voice,” Professor Balakian said. “Taner’s work has helped add that crucial piece to the evolving discourse on the Armenian Genocide.”
More than 100 people gathered for the lecture. Diocesan Council chair Oscar Tatosian gave opening remarks. The Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian closed the evening with a prayer.
The book talk was organized by the Eastern Diocese, with the participation of AGBU Ararat, the Knights and Daughters of Vartan, Tekeyan Cultural Association, C.A.R.S., Tibrevank Alumni, Hye Doon, and Eseyan-Getronagan Alumni.
Karabakh Conundrum: Mediators Discuss “Ideas” as Conflicting Sides Talk “Weapons”
By Naira Hayrumyan
After the October 27 meeting in Paris between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs who arranged the talks issued a statement in which the essential word appeared to be “ideas” implying that they are something new.
“The Co-Chairs presented their ideas on a working proposal to advance the peace process....The Ministers and the Co-Chairs agreed to a further discussion of these ideas during the Co-Chairs’ visit to the region in November,” said a terse press release issued from the French capital on behalf of the mediators.
But these “ideas” are shrouded in secrecy and not even assumptions are being made about them now.
In the meantime, two events important for the region have taken place lately. The first one was what appears to be the start of the international recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh and the second one was the exchange by Armenia and Azerbaijan of assurances that they both possessed weapons necessary for
both offensive and defensive warfare. Last Thursday the Legislative Council of Australia’s largest state, New South Wales, passed a
resolution recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and its people’s right to self- determination.
Despite the general enthusiasm and even words of appreciation from the leadership of Karabakh, in Yerevan that recognition was taken somewhat skeptically. First, this is not yet the recognition by a state, and the resolution will get its real value only if the federal government of Australia lends an ear to NSW and follows suit.
That act of recognition was to some extent directed against Azerbaijan, thinks former foreign minister of Karabakh Arman Melikyan. It is possible that it was also due to frictions between official Baku and British Petroleum and amounted to a warning to Azerbaijan, he said. Melikyan called for continued efforts on the international recognition of Karabakh, expressing confidence that the process has begun and that it is irreversible. He added that Sydney, which has a large Armenian community, has hosted a representation of the NKR for a long time now.
NKR presidential spokesman David Babayan said: “Recognition by New South Wales that follows similar acts by the legislatures of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the United States is twice as valuable as it is the most developed and populous state around which the Australian State was once
established... NSW’s recognition of our sovereignty not only will lead to the recognition of the NKR’s independence by other Australian states, but will also start the process of recognition by other countries.”
Information emerged in the Armenian press last week about a possible recognition of the NKR by Uruguay.
Armenia has given the signal for the start of Nagorno-Karabakh’s international recognition, wrote Turkish media reported citing Turkish security forces. According to Turkey’s intelligence, Armenia has launched efforts around the matter with countries of Latin America, Africa and Oceania, and the proof of it may be the recent tours of Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian to Latin and Central Americas as well as the Southeast Pacific Area. The maximum program of Armenia, with the promised support of the Diaspora communities in the United States and France, is the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkish media concluded.
Simultaneously, a statement was made by a representative of the Armenian Ministry of Defense that in case of aggression by Azerbaijan, Armenian air forces will be capable of delivering strikes against oil and other energy infrastructure in the fossil-fuel-rich country. And President Serzh Sargsyan recently attended the opening of a new defense unit equipped with state-of-the-art weapons.
Against this background, the statements of the co-chairs about new ideas look a little odd, especially that there has been no “leakage” of the contents of these ideas. According to experts, each of the co-chair countries – Russia, the United States and France – is trying to get a settlement on its own terms. However, the system of check and balances within the Minsk Group’s co-chairmanship, while slowing the resolution of the problem, still works for keeping the peace.
ASP Lecture. "Modernity and Genocide: The Armenian, Rwandan, and the
Darfuran Cases"
ANN ARBOR, MI --The discourse on Genocide and Modernity is still a hot topic within the historiography of Genocide and Holocaust Studies. Scholars are debating whether the mass murders of the 20th century are solely the byproduct of modernity or the outcome of the breakdown of civilization, progress, and reason within their respective societies. More so, a good number of these works concentrate on Europe by having in mind the Holocaust as the ultimate manifestation of Modernity. After discussing the different approaches to the discourse in the historiography, the following talk will concentrate more on analyzing some of the understudied cases within the historiography. By taking the Armenian, the Rwandan and the Darfuran genocides, the talk will examine the ways in which these three cases contribute to the discourse on the Modernity of Genocides in the 20th century. How can these three non-European cases enhance our
understanding about the sweeping mass murders of the 20th century in general and the coloration between Modernity and Genocide in particular?
Bedross Der Matossian is an assistant professor of Modern Middle East History in the Department of History at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Born and raised in Jerusalem, he is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he began his graduate studies in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. He completed his PhD in Middle East history in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University in 2008. From 2008 to 2010, he was a lecturer of Middle East History in the Department of History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he taught a variety of courses pertaining to World History, Islam and the West, political history of the modern Middle East as well as the Arab-Israeli Conflict. His areas of interest include ethnic politics in the Middle East, inter-ethnic violence in the Ottoman Empire, social and economic history of the Middle East 19th and 20th century, the history of the Armenian genocide and modern Armenian history.
Co-sponsors: Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Center for African Studies. Free and open to the public.
Live web videocast will be available at on Wednesday, November 7 at 4 pm.
Room 1636, International Institute 1080 South University, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
An Open Letter To My Fellow American-Armenian Brothers And Sisters
Dr. Ani Kalayjian, Cliffside Park, New Jersey, U.S.A My cousin, a 60 years of age diabetic male,
Masbah Farook, Boostan Pasha
has been kidnapped from his own mechanic shop in Aleppo, Syria, by the Syrian opposition. For the last five months the opposition has been targeting the Armenian Christian minority in Aleppo, Damascus, Azez, and Der Zor. They have systematically destroyed Armenian churches, Armenian schools, nursing homes, and Armenian neighborhoods.
I called my other cousin and could hear the bombs blasting at any hour of the day and night. The opposition is waging war against the Assad government, but Armenians have nothing to do with this war. Although loyal to their country's government, Armenians are also loyal to their neighbors, and humanity at large. My other cousin has been hiding in the basement of her daughter's house, in fear, with the house shaking from the
blasts, afraid they can no longer live there. Just a day ago they blasted a huge truck in the middle of a courtyard in Aleppo, killing many innocent people. The government is not the force behind all this destruction—it is the Syrian opposition that we Americans are supporting.
In 1915 Syria opened its arms when Ottoman Turks were annihilating Armenians and throwing them out of their homes of 3,000 years. One-and-a half million Armenians were systematically annihilated, and others walked through the Arabian deserts to make it to Syria. Since 1915 Armenians have been building Aleppo, Azez, Latakia, Damascus, Kesab, Der Zor, and other parts of Syria. Armenians have their own private schools, churches, and community centers. Now in 2012, 97 years after the Genocide, Armenians are being subjected to another mass trauma of murder, destruction, ransacking, kidnapping, and torture. The Syrian opposition is backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Turkey has been selling arms to the opposition and finding any excuse to attack the border in northern Syria, which is populated by Christian minority Armenians. Turkey has taken advantage of this chaotic war situation and has destroyed the Genocide memorial and the Armenian Church in Der Zor.
The opposition also threw elderly Armenian residents out of the Armenian Elders Home in Bostampasha and turned it into their headquarters to send bombs and missiles to destroy the rest of the Armenian community. These Armenian older adults had been thrown out of their homes at the beginning of their lives by Ottoman Turks, and now, once again, at the last stage of their lives, they are being thrown out of their homes by Syrian opposition forces and Turkish criminals.
I am a humanitarian worker and President of the Meaningfulworld, a charitable organization, servicing the world in over 45 countries, and it hurts me in the core to not being able to go to Syria and help the surviving community that is in shell shock, experiencing severe trauma.
Where is the UN Declaration for Human Rights? When we contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, their response was that their office is in the dark and cannot help. Where is justice? What can we do to stop this madness? Why is the opposition destroying the Armenian community? If they want to lead Syria, they should oppose the Syrian government and not attack innocent Armenian people who are the Christian minority. How many times does a nation gets displaced?
Please help in any way you can, pray for the Christian Armenian minority that is innocently being targeted by the Syrian opposition, hold prayer circles, send donations to help feed our Armenian family, talk with your congressional representative, tell him or her what is REALLY going on in Syria—a totally different story than what the opposition
Armenian Old Age Home, Boostan Pasha
and opposition
are broadcasting to convince the world.
mainstream Please educate your circle of Americans and others so they will stop supporting and sponsoring the
Ramgavar Mamoul
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